Written by Aletys
Sunday, 24 January 2010
From the U6 Project website:
It is with much pleasure that we announce the release of the Beta 2 Release of Team Archon’s Ultima 6 Project, for Dungeon Siege 1 (PC and Mac). Some things to look forward to in this release:
- Many bug fixes have been implemented since the Milestone 8 (Beta 1) release.
- Weapon and armor restrictions have now been applied, by class.
- The entire world is complete, and ready for players to explore.
- All NPC’s are in place, and all the quests have been implemented.
- Those players with proclivities to the dark side can now follow an “evil path”.
- Hydras are now in game, and should pose a nasty surprise to unwary travelers.
- Additional enhancements have been made to the map and journal systems, and the Compendium is now nearly complete.
- Minor performance improvements have been implemented.
- It should be noted that anyone using a previous version will have to uninstall it prior to installing the Beta 2 Release, and start a new game.